Multidimensional Energetic Clearing


The focus of our session is to view the physical body as the quantum expression of both spiritual and energetic life force. Our core, and who we really are is multi-faceted. We are multi-dimensional spiritual beings living a multi-dimensional life.

There are aspects of our multi-faceted soul intelligence directly interfacing with planetary and universal time fields. As our planet is ascending and undergoing massive changes, so too is every human, whether one has conscious awareness or not.

This session work addresses the non-manifest world of our subtle energy systems and their impact on our physical realities. The holographic projections from our multi-dimensional subtle body energy systems can shape our perceptions, emotions and experiences within our physical lives.

The clearing of limiting patterns, fears, pain body triggers, traumas and inorganic structures from the holographic light body is the purpose of our session work. These types of energetic patterns limit us from stepping into our personal empowerment, higher soul potential, and multi-dimensional awareness.

When we can return to energetic balance this creates a peaceful inner harmony that supports our entire being and therefore our life experiences.


What has occurred on planet earth is that the energetic light body of the human form has been distorted with inorganic artificial structures. These inorganic structures interrupt the alignment of each person’s original divine blueprint with source energy.

Every living thing has a blueprint and architecture from which all things manifest. These distortions have intentionally blocked humanity from understanding this about themselves and their vast potentials. This amnesia has been damaging to the awakening heart, expansion of consciousness, ascension experience and embodiment process.

These distortions are extensive as many of the dis-eases on our planet, emotional pain, addictions, mental illness and challenging life experiences can be outward manifestations of these energetic structures and manipulations by unseen negative influences.

We are powerful multi-dimensional beings and our healing encompasses both ego structures and beyond to our spiritual-energetic core. When we enter ego-driven behavior, meaning we are not expressing from heart resonance, we give away our power, we feed these unseen influences via the siphoning of our spiritual light and energy. The majority, of people on earth do not have conscious awareness of these interferences so many behaviors are accepted as normal.


My highest intention is to provide a sacred space during our time together while utilizing a dynamic holographic healing system called the Avatar of Ascension (AoA) Hieros Gamos or HGS. Through this interface there is a divine intelligence working directly with all levels of the spiritual-energetic architecture and light body structure.

We will begin our session by establishing your personal intentions and calibration with this consciousness system. Utilizing higher sensory perception, I will then be guided to identify, locate, remove and repair specific issues interfering with your light body structure (blueprint) and connection to the subtle energy bodies.

A calibration and some preparation may be required prior to a session. This will help establish resonance with the HGS consciousness field. Energetic healing and clearing is nonverbal and nonlinear from the ego’s mental body perspective. If we over analyze we block sensory feeling, we block potential healing and clearing of pathways.

The HGS consciousness technology is profound in the support it provides for inner transformation and healing. Each session is powerful and will shift your energy and awareness. What matters most is your 100% commitment to creating change for yourself and taking the necessary action to support the body, mind and spirit as you move forward.

As with all healing, clearing occurs in gradual layers to help support the integration process. It takes time to regain wholeness so please be patient with yourself and the process. As we peel away the layers please know that additional sessions may be required as your heart feels resonate.


There are many benefits to HGS session work, like reconnecting more authentically with your higher soul intelligence. Returning to a state of inner balance and harmony while gaining self- responsibility is important. Reclaiming freedom from unseen negative influences supports personal empowerment and builds core strength.

The benefits you derive from our work together depends upon your openness to the process and commitment to your ongoing personal inner work. This system is gifted by the Guardian Alliance to help empower and awaken the soul’s higher purpose and individual potentials.

This type of session is also highly beneficial to the Forerunner, Starseed, Indigo, Lightworker, Path Paver, Grid Worker or Spiritual Being who feels aligned with service to others and earth, during this time of planetary ascension. This healing intelligence can also be applied to the healing of our beautiful animals and our personal spaces.

How Sessions Can Help

  • Emotional Body – anger, despair, shame, guilt, abandonment, fears, anxiety, feeling trapped
  • Mental Body – relationships, health, work, purpose, self- judgment, alienation, future
  • Physical Body – any type of interference, imbalance, conflict, chemically, structurally
  • Spiritual Body – subconscious mind, instinctual mind, conscious mind, archetypal mind, celestial mind
  • Astral Body – entity attachments and influences, addictions, psychic distortions, fixations, cording
  • Programs & Belief Systems – triggers, obsessions, phobias, social phobias, ego defenses
  • Ancestral Genetic Blockages – family name, marriage, ethnic demographic, matriarch, patriarch
  • Miasma & Karmic influences – personal influences, planetary influences, timelines, other memory of self
  • Trauma – specific trauma, victim/victimizer, physical trauma, mind control, abductions
  • Collective Mind – destroyer archetype, magician archetype, martyr archetype, innocent archetype
  • Planetary – star gates, earth demographic areas, historical timeline trigger events, grid networks
  • Implants – reversal polarities, etheric weaponry, holographic inserts, inorganic structures, mind slides
  • Galactic Distortions – traumas, planetary race wars, enslavement, other worldly memories
  • Memories & Influences – inner space time influences, In between space time influences

About the Healing System

This healing system was provided by the interdimensional Guardian Alliance through Lisa Renee and Energetic Synthesis. Lisa is an Emissary for the Guardian Groups and Planetary Ascension Guide.

This technology was anchored for this first time on this planet in August of 2012. The system (HGS) is represented as an “information commons” and exists as an open source educational reference, which exists to produce, conserve, and preserve information for current and future generations of humanity.

I have been actively studying and working with the Guardian ascension teachings since 2008 and have been calibrated within the utilization of this consciousness system beginning in 2014.

Please contact me to schedule your session.


  • Sessions Available: In person or Skype or Zoom
  • Session Timing: 2 to 2.5 hours
  • Price: $200