Mace Energy Method

The Mace Energy Method is a simple, yet powerful technique used for inner healing by eliminating negative thoughts, feelings and emotions arising from unfavorable events we encounter in our lives.

What sets Mace apart is the ability to address the root cause rather than just symptoms. This technique acknowledges that we cannot change what occurred in the past, but we (the being) do have the power to change how unfavorable events continue to impact us as we move forward.

The Real You

This simple and effective technique creates a powerful perceptual shift allowing you to remember more of the authentic you. The YOU that is a dynamic energy being of pure awareness and potential. YOU become more present as a neutral observer in your own life, freeing yourself from archetypal influences, the masks you wear, identities, patterns, programs, unwanted beliefs that seem to play out (trigger) over and over again in your life.

This technique was created for everyone including children while addressing the core components of well-being and to regain control over your life.

Eliminate Negative Thoughts & Emotions

  • I am not enough!
  • I am unlovable!
  • I can’t get that thought out of my mind – I feel: shame! guilt!
  • Why Do I Keep Doing That?
  • I Feel Helpless!
  • I Feel Useless!

How The Session Works

During the session we will focus on how upsets in life make a person feel without discussing specifics or sharing of personal information and no advice will be given.

This non-disclosure method makes Mace unique as it differs from other healing modalities including traditional talk therapy.

A person will naturally resist what they do not want to experience. This resistance is due to an unwanted feeling from an upset in life and will cause a person to make a negative decision about themselves.

An upset is anything that has happened to you, but you prefer it didn’t. Not wanting the feeling from the upset we resist, pushing it deep down inside, we hide from it, creating a ridge of energy that sits there blocking our natural flow and expression.

This resisted feeling or energy is now etched deep in the psyche (the being) which becomes a Negative Identity that continues to be triggered. These Negative Identities express themselves in various ways such as mental and emotional instability, self-esteem issues, physical issues, fears, phobias, relationship issues and/or other challenges.

During the session we revisit upsets to find untrue decisions that were made. The problem is that during an upset we are in a low mood and unhappy while making untrue decisions about ourselves. And an unhappy, low mood person does not make good decisions. We then unknowingly begin to believe it is who we are as a person, which we carry as an energetic burden within ourselves.

Image & Feelings

During the session we access the power of YOU and your imagination, to create an image, representing the untrue decision that was made, that can manifest into a negative identity. Thoughts and feelings are energy, and YOU the being can create an image to represent them.

The image created will give you the understanding of the origin and how the feelings and decisions were created. With this knowledge you are now able to dis-create the negative identity (image) out of your energy universe, out of your life, no longer consuming your energy.

The less negative identities we have (the masks we wear), the more we become our authentic self, which is an unlimited energy being of pure potential, self-awareness and love.

MACE Can Assist With:

  • Anger Issues
  • Anxiety, Stress, PTSD
  • Conflict, Fears
  • Depression
  • Emotional Imbalance
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Life Dreams, Goals
  • Negative Reactions
  • Productivity
  • Relationship Issues
  • Repeated Patterns
  • Unwanted Behaviors
  • Upsets, Worry, Grief

About The Healing System

This method was created by John Mace after 50 years of research, with his focus on the ‘cause’ of problems, not the ‘effects’.

There are 2 laws that are foundational to this system of healing:

Law 1.  No individual will ever knowingly instigate anything, which they know to be non-survival for them.

Law 2.  Every individual is only affected by what they are unaware of.

This technique addresses interactions between the Body, Mind, Spirit and also a 4th component called identities. This is the play between the Material Universe (all that you can see) and the Energy Universe (what you can’t see).

Mace Energy Method is the art which discreates untrue decisions, thoughts and feelings we make about ourselves.

An untrue decision is the beginning of the creation of a negative identity that will unknowingly affect your life.

The Mace Energy Method is a profoundly simple yet highly effective process reconnecting you with the inner essence of who you are. Freed up from the internal chatter and clutter to a more rational expression and positive flow within your life.


  • Sessions Available: In person or Skype or Zoom
  • Initial Session: 2 to 2.5 hours
  • Follow Up Session: 1 hour (1 week following initial session)
  • Total Price: $375 
  • Additional Sessions: $150

The Mace Energy Method is not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Terri does not practice medicine or psychotherapy, and her services are not a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric, or medical treatment. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health conditions.