I Am

Written October 11th, 2018

I Am

I am the song of a bird, and the wind that carries it away

I am a cloud in the bright blue sky, and I relax above a lively playground filled with happy children

I am the laughter from a child, the uncontrollable giggle, that seems to last forever

I am the sea gull flying by, and my favorite thing in the world is this moment, as I glide through the wind, how amazing the wind feels under my wings

I am the wind, and I race over the sand dunes, stirring the sand, carving a path, down to the water

I am the smooth inside of a conch shell, and I echo the wind against my body

I am first light, over the ocean, I am the ray of sun that stretches and reaches across the water, and then I scatter myself like spilt glitter, I am the blanket of glittering light dancing on the stage of dark blue water

I am the dark, I am the dark night sky, and I get to hold all of the stars, I feel so lucky, I wish everyone could feel this lucky

I am inspiration, I am the inspiration that runs through a great poet, I am the pen, I am the paper, I am the words that line up on the page, then I am read, and I become inspiration once again…

I am unconditional love, my language is love and there is no word for hurt

I am forgiveness and then I am forgetfulness, I only remember what love was, and I only see what love can be

I am the song of the bird, I am eternal, and I am free


This poem was written and shared with us by Amy Ryan