
MACE Energy Method

Years into the self-discovery journey I realized that I had developed a negative self-image which is why my life could not work well, why I felt like an outsider, and no amount of self-love attempt could break through the negative identities that were operating in the background.

After a decade of trying all ways of healing myself, I came across the MACE energy method and Terri. After 3 sessions with Terri, I feel better and better about myself and Life!

I feel more grounded, more appreciation, more kindness towards myself, more openness, more light, less fear of the world, more joyful collaborations.

It is truly liberating to feel like life CAN be an amazing place, a more engaged, more empathic, collaborative, more loving creative experience. 

Terri, I am forever grateful for you helping me return to myself and return to Life.


Multidimensional Energetic Healing

Terri is such a gift to this world! I have an infinite stream of appreciation, gratitude, and unconditional love for her. She has changed my life in every way! We were brought together in such a way, that I couldn’t deny how meant to be it was.

Moving through aspects of healing bipolar disorder 1, Chronic Depression, and attention deficit disorder from the dis-ease that plagued my life for almost 20 years, I was ready to feel more joy, and to discover my greater soul’s purpose.

Over the past 20 years I utilized many tools and modalities to help me come into greater balance with myself. As this occurred the relationship to my soul strengthened, for this I was grateful.

Learning that I could change my mind by changing my thoughts was very supportive. I began incorporating positive affirmations and was later guided to become a yoga instructor. These tools provided me the discipline and focus I needed to continue moving forward.

I came to Terri at a very pivotal point in my life. When I met her, I completely trusted the “voice” within that said, “allow Terri to guide me.” I am so glad I listened! Through energy session work, her guidance and the supportive tools from Energetic Synthesis, I am focused upon building a strong inner core and spiritual foundation.

As we started to work, I discovered there were parts of my life that I didn’t even realize were out of sync. This work is challenging, it is emotional and requires you to look at things as they are and not as you want them to be. It takes courage to feel your pain and make lifestyle changes required to gain greater awareness and wholeness.

The clarity I am gaining about myself and the world around me is priceless. My whole life I felt there was a deeper meaning to this world and my role in it. What I am discovering now about the nature of reality and the world in which we all live, leads me into greater understanding of my authentic self and core values.

Over this past year of working with Terri, I have become so much more peaceful, kind, and giving. My personal joy has risen to a level I didn’t know existed and many relationships have taken on deeper meaning. I also had to let go of outdated belief systems, behaviors and close personal relationships that were no longer supportive to me. This was difficult, there have been many tears as I moved forward.

Terri was the key that opened this awesome gateway of truth for me. She has also been the most caring and kind guide, working with me through my journey and ascension process. However, I was and remain 100% responsible for doing the inner work and making the necessary changes in my life.

If you have reached her website, it is not by chance! Your soul is guiding you, and I am so excited as you will discover so much more about yourself while working with Terri.

To the person reading this now, I send you so much love, and I have so much gratitude for you! Keep up the good fight of spreading peace and unconditional love to others and finding your truth within.



Sound Bath

Terri I just want to say thank you for a wonderful evening. The music, the guided meditation and the love shared was amazing. I can still here or feel the vibrations of the crystal bowls in my body. I was able to deeply relax something that is not easy for me to do. Thank you so much, I loved the experience and will be back. Thank You. Carol

Multidimensional Energetic Healing

I cannot tell you how grateful I am for my teacher; mentor and true friend, Terri. I wondered many times if there was anyone who lived on earth with a heart of unconditional love. This love is called the “Law of One” please read about these spiritual practices on her website.

At the time of writing this testimonial Terri and I have known each other for 19 months. I committed 12 of those months to regular session work while working the tools from the Energetic synthesis website. I am so grateful as I am becoming more whole and balanced each day.

I believe that Terri and I were destined to connect as our meeting came when I was in desperate need of help. I could not function in the real world and I lost my job. I was searching to find any help that I could and went to see everyone and anyone who said that they could help and who I thought had the gifts.

I was experiencing physic attack my health and mental wellbeing were spiraling downward. I often felt that if I didn’t find help soon that I was close to leaving the planet. These attacks started occurring when I began trying to recover the truth about what happened to me as a child. My childhood had been full of darkness in deed! 

I was born with spiritual gifts, like talking to the plants and animals. I had interactions with higher dimensional beings connected with God consciousness. I also experienced interference by negative forces and neighbors where violations of my free will took place. These violations of abuse were deliberate, designed to break my spirit and fragment my mind. Over the years I retreated to the Mormon religion because this is where I thought rescue was.

As I was searching for assistance I met someone who found help herself through Energetic Synthesis and from her session work with Terri. I said to myself “please God, let this be the real help I need.” Within a couple of weeks, Terri and I connected for the first time to have a conversation. As we talked she listened patiently without judgement, understanding where I was spiritually.

During my first HGS session, there was a clearing of energies held within my chest that caused a powerful physical release. Please as you read this shields up, I literally vomited in a trash can as the energies cleared. I understood this was different from any of the other sessions I had experienced prior.

After the session I felt better, a missing piece of my true higher-self had been returned. I felt stronger and more complete. I noticed that the severity of the dark entity attacks became less aggressive. Terri also guided me through the Energetic Synthesis web site introducing me to the 12 D shield, core fear removal and commanding space guidelines. 

Moving forward I struggled and would come up against pain and emotional triggers that were so intense that I stopped trusting myself. The interference caused me to doubt the session work and tools on ES as a pathway to regaining inner freedom.

During these times Terri (GOD BLESS HER) would reach out to me. I would feel her sincerity and could not deny her heart and mission was of service to others.  We would schedule another session and I would experience the same results. I would feel stronger, more whole while recovering pieces and parts of myself along the way.

Many times, I just wanted a quick fix “Just take this darkness and pain from me God”. The work begins with us, we are 100% responsible for our inner work, for ourselves and Terri’s role is that of guidance.

If you are reading this and trying to decide if making an appointment with Terri is right for you? You can be assured that you are in the right place. That is, if you are fearless enough to do your own work and see the truth no matter how unpleasant it is. 

So, after saying all of that, you may ask, what can you expect in your session with Terri? Well first if you have done any session work with other healers, you will see a difference right away. This is not a fortune teller type of session. If you are looking for that type of session you will be disappointed as your ego is not going to be comforted. Terri utilizes the HGS system a consciousness system that helps to identify, locate, remove and repair inorganic structures from the light body. 

Healing takes work, dedication and comes in pieces. It takes time to dismantle false narratives and belief system programs operating to make room for our authentic higher Self to integrate. We cannot handle all of Gods light at once. We learn step by step through our own creation our own God determination, consent and authority.

This is each of our life’s mission to heal, to recover our authentic self, if we so choose it. I offer my own witness and blessings of gratitude to you for reading this. My greatest hope is that you can reclaim what is rightfully yours, through your own experience of healing so that all may stand God Sovereign free. As God would have it be!

As for me my body systems and general health have improved dramatically. I recognize the negative interference and war on consciousness tactics now, so that I cannot be fooled by them. I call them out and remove them from my space. I see the false programs as I stand in compassionate witness of myself and others. I remain committed to my inner work and my superpower is LOVE. 

Much love to you and your healing journey
