Terri’s Journey

Who Am I

If you ever asked yourself “who Am I?” and then had the courage to look deep inside for answers, you know in your soul this is a very complex question. As I share aspects of my life and spiritual journey please know that the depth of who I am continually evolves revealing more to me each day.

My entire life I have been deeply committed to knowing the truth of who I am. Since a child I have always felt a stranger in a bizarre land and that I was not from here. I had difficulty relating to the behaviors and belief systems that I witnessed operating in others. I was also highly empathic, feeling what was in the hearts and minds of those around me made life challenging.


I learned in my younger years how to navigate through inner turmoil and pain via self-isolation. It was by retreating that I was able to cope and regain balance as I felt over stimulated just by being in the world. Combine that with night time visitations from the spirit world, UFO encounters and paranormal experiences, I was always a bit overwhelmed.

While this self-isolation was a form of support it also caused additional wounding by reinforcing the fact that I functioned differently from others. I never fit in and was always more comfortable observing rather than participating. This was a complex interface for a young person and caused me stress and anxiety. It was through the practice of meditation that I was able to find balance and harmony within myself.

My Initial Awakening

When my higher self decided it was time for me to awaken I was 24 years old. This was a challenging time as I became ill requiring surgery and radiation procedures. For the next 7 years on the road to recovery, I explored healing from a spiritual perspective. This helped me to better understand myself and strengthened my inner connection to God Source along with a sense of deep gratitude for my life.

During this time, I became interested in the power of the mind. I questioned where do thoughts and beliefs really come from? Are these my actual thoughts? Are my thoughts being impulsed by something outside myself? How was I involved with creating this illness? How was I involved with creating my wellness? As I began to manage my thoughts the perceptions of the world around me changed, this was both liberating and empowering.

Food Is Medicine

My healing was truly a process of inner alchemy, a spiritual initiation into the vastness of faith and higher potentials. I supported my body with nutrition, learning that food was indeed medicine. When I acknowledged my inner pain, managed my thoughts while incorporating plant based and raw food nutrition, my life and health improved dramatically.

This was a dynamic and profound time in my life. I shifted into an entirely new world of awareness, spiritual experiences and expanded concepts about the nature of reality. I gained insight and wisdom while accessing other aspects of my higher spiritual identity. I then began to understand why the need for self-inquiry was so primary to my life.

Moving Forward

I had limited interest in participating with conventional roles, structures or systems operating upon the planet. I had little desire to build a structured career, marry or have children. I was an entrepreneurial and creative individual and mostly preferred to work for myself. This served me well as freedom was a huge component to my being happy and productive in this lifetime.

I worked with nutrition, meditation, crystal healing, light therapy, bio-resonance devices, regression & hypnotherapy, psychic mediumship, sound therapy, etheric surgery and more. I completed various college degrees BS, MS in business and nutrition, many certifications, worked for others at times, built and sold my own business centered around medical thermal imaging for breast cancer detection and much more.

The Highs And Lows

Along the way the inner connection to my higher self was challenged, several times. I moved through resistance after resistance, fear after fear, while challenged to find peace and forgiveness within my heart. I learned to trust my inner guidance and knowing. Surrendering, letting go of what no longer served me, uncovering blind spots and building discernment was and still is a large part of my journey.

I experienced feelings of joy, wonder, gratitude, love, empowerment, awareness, expansion, achievement, fulfillment, frustration, disappointment, abandonment, betrayal, shame, guilt, unworthiness, anger, fear, heart break, grief and much more. I moved through obstacles and blocks that at times I could not imagine where they were coming from. I began to perceive an energetic overlay that felt artificial and limiting and could see it operating through myself and others. I asked even deeper questions about the nature of reality and ventured deep down the rabbit hole.

Seeing Through The Matrix Of Deception

I began to understand the multi-layered, hyper-dimensional matrix control system operating upon our planet. I also found that a select group of global, financial elite controllers centralized wealth and power for their own benefit. They are ruled by occult practices, secrecy, lies and are void of empathy and love.

Understanding that their worldview was dominated by a desire to suppress and control the masses, was challenging to accept at first. It also became crystal clear as to why there was so much suffering and pain upon our planet. I began to see the hidden hand operating, with an agenda to destabilize personal power, freedom and sovereignty. I followed the money trail and noticed the same people would turn up over and over on the world stage. “I asked myself, Why?”

I viewed the main control systems and studied how they influenced planetary affairs while crafting anti-human value systems. I looked closer at the religious, academic, financial, legal, medical, media, entertainment, political and governmental systems, they all had the same underlying goal. Which was to reinforce each other to manipulate power to be given to those at the top of the chain, and other nefarious acts. “I asked myself, who is actually benefiting from this control?”

Going Even Deeper Down The Rabbit Hole

I became aware of the galactic history of earth a hidden history stolen from humanity. I learned of the history from the galactic wars originating from the Lyran and Orion timelines many millions of years ago. This understanding provided context as to the many UFO sightings experienced throughout my life.

I gained insight how 3D planet earth, humanities true star origins, ET involvement, historical records, ancient artifacts and sacred spiritual texts, along with higher consciousness memories were mostly erased. This was deliberately designed to prevent humanity from remembering who we are or where we came from. “I asked myself, who benefits by keeping us in this state of amnesia?”

I realized we were handed a false history, false identity and false reality from the malevolent ET’s and their human/hybrid counterparts. Intertwined with strong broadcasts of mind control programming in order to condition humanity to believe in the anti-human culture that is a controlled AI version of 3D reality. All purposed to maintain the 3D artificial reality for Prison Planet enslavement status. “I asked myself, why do so few see this false reality operating?”

It became evident there was still a war over consciousness taking place on earth. Thus denying access to multidimensional potentials and our true extraterrestrial history benevolent and malevolent. “I asked myself, who benefits by not disclosing the ET involvement upon planet earth?”

I have provided links under resources to others work on this topic for your review.


I remember as a child of 8 years old feeling the year 2012 was important to me. I calculated my age to figure out how old I would be at that time and would visualize myself into the future. I sensed it would be a long journey to get there and to just do my best. Around this age I would also try to turn lights on with my mind, fly in my dreams, see fairies, angels and UFO’s everywhere.

At some point, I discovered this time was linked to a 26,500 year cycle whereby our planet would align once again to the galactic core. And through this ongoing cycle (2012 and beyond) major changes would be accelerated upon earth. Humanity would also be given an opportunity to re-awaken from the persistent illusions of our reality and remember the greater truth of who we really are.

Ascension or Spiritual Awakening can best be described as a change in the focus of our consciousness through frequency activation. This process can progress over many years and will ultimately shift our perceptions into higher states of self awareness. This perceptual shift can include increased awareness of energy in the environment, sensing extradimensional entities, feeling the interconnected energy between all things, seeing multidimensional realities and seeing through the matrix of deception.

Multidimensional Mind And Heart

It’s challenging to describe what multidimensional means, as it requires we no longer see ourselves through just the lens of our physical reality. Multidimensional consciousness is the ability to be aware of more than one dimension. To be multidimensional in our consciousness or mind we must remember that we have within us the potential to expand our perceptions to the dimensions above and below our physical plane.

Over the years, I studied the vast knowledge of spiritual mechanics governing planetary and human ascension. To keep it simple, what is supportive is that our focus is placed upon one’s heart with a desire to know the true self. As we develop the right relationship to self, we can better develop our relationship with God Source and re-awaken to our higher heart soul intelligence.

I have provided links under resources to others work on this topic for your review.


There are many descriptions for the Starseed, Indigo, Light Worker, Grid Worker or Path Paver. A word to the wise, there are many consciousness traps or deceptions around these labels as an identity. Gaining self-mastery, practicing present moment awareness and non-attachment while staying out of false light constructs are essential.

Keeping it simple, I like to think of us as empathic, cosmic volunteers, a spark, a cell of source energy that arrived on planet. Each with a unique role and genetic interface with the individual, collective and planetary intelligence fields. Our greater purpose is to first awaken into the understanding of our authentic self, and the nature of reality here on planet earth. Then we endeavor to expand heart consciousness while gaining access to our multidimensional mind.

Working to understand and embody multidimensional consciousness has been like putting together a giant jigsaw puzzle. The pieces of the puzzle came together slowly and over time, which required patience and discipline. This served me well as I developed a strong inner core and spiritual foundation.

Understanding My Role

My role is challenging to describe, because while living and creating here on earth, I was always aware of this other aspect of myself serving a greater authority and directive. This role was the maximization of the human potential, of human consciousness and of the human form. This played out via the constant alchemy and transmutation of my physical body, as I moved through illness to wholeness.

I also realized that part of me is here doing a case study with the form or body knowing that it is the genetic levels of the form that make up the structures that are limiting consciousness availability. The larger scope of what I am here doing is the biological encodement process that is shifting the DNA and genetics into these higher intelligence forms. This has taken many years to comprehend and even acknowledge, because you go “Who, Me? Really?”

Once I began to perceive life as multidimensional, my life experiences and patterns revealed the greater contribution of service work operating through spiritual agreements I made prior to coming here. Our true power comes from knowing the total journey and specific mission with the earth and humanity while clearing the negative ego and pain body trauma inherited throughout time. Please know my journey continues to be a work in progress and I am grateful for this ongoing experience.

Boots On The Ground

Throughout my journey I had a variety of experiences so far outside the accepted paradigm of reality that I needed time for contemplation, stillness and integration.  My personal reality has been shifted so many times that I had to dig deep within the layers of my mind to re-create inner balance and harmony. Through my blog I plan to write about many of these events.

It’s one thing to have multidimensional experiences but quite another to move through inner alchemy because of them. Many of my experiences demanded self-reflection then letting go of the social conditioning, programmed responses, past wounds and trauma related to outdated matrix belief systems that defined reality.

Navigating my life while moving through these spiritual initiations required a very delicate balance. This is boots on the ground, walking through it, feeling it, seeing it, living it, clearing it through the body, then coming out the other side more whole and grounded. This process developed a core strength and powerful connection to my inner guidance system and discernment. This is the great work, it is about being the observer, staying present during transformation and change that can be very painful.

My Commitment Today

No matter how challenging and isolating this journey has been, today I live a life with purpose, joy and gratitude. I remain deeply committed to the understanding of who I am as an eternal, multidimensional, spiritual being and to my ongoing personal healing and self-mastery process.

I remain steadfast and committed, as my message and healing services are my life’s work and something I am very passionate about. There continue to be challenges, many positive changes and new discoveries as I walk upon my path. I am grateful to be of service during this time of planetary ascension in whatever way I am guided.

I have faith in the power of truth over deception, love over fear and our collective and creative power to transform this world for the good of all humanity. We must all do our own inner shadow work and also research topics in order to connect the dots to awaken from this deliberate state of amnesia cast upon us. This is how we change our world!

My Work Today

I am very fortunate to connect with many amazing people from around the world. As part of my work, I offer a variety of integrative services to meet the individual needs of my clients. Each one-on-one healing session I follow my direct connection to God source to best support you.

The Integrative services that I offer:

  • Align369 Experience
  • Mace Energy Method
  • Mentoring & Guidance
  • Multidimensional Energetic Healing of The Light Body
  • Personal Growth & Medical Hypnosis
  • Spiritual Regression Hypnosis Which Includes Past Lives & Natal Exploration
  • UFO Experiencer Regression

My capacity to be a clear and effective healing facilitator is based upon several aspects:

  • My intuitive nature
  • My foundational training in alternative medicine, nutrition and study of the mind
  • My commitment to my own dedicated participation in my ascension for many years
  • My research for well over 25 years into the vastness of the human potential & nature of reality upon earth
  • My hearts resonance to hold Source Light
  • My hearts resonance to be of service to others

Through discipline, right action and love within my heart the higher virtues of my being are expressed. I am grateful for the awareness I have been given and to assist others as they awaken to remember their inner truth.