Terri’s Thoughts

Making A Choice In 2024

It is vital we no longer look to the external world for validation as a measurement of our self-worth. It is time however, to discover our most authentic self and that is found by going within. Developing our inner spiritual connection with the One True God of All Creation, listening to heart resonance and building discernment while supporting the body are the most important measures one can participate with at this time.

Choosing to awaken and actively participate with this cycle of expansion we must adjust our way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with our multidimensional and divine nature. It is time to open our eyes, look around and be honest about what we see as the global reflection and then look within our own lives. Keeping people fixated on meaningless dramas, deceptive narratives, debt slavery, divide and conquer strategies, fear and survival is the name of the game. “Ask yourself, who actually benefits from this?”

The entrenched matrix power structure needs to be dismantled as we move forward. This can be achieved by standing together with an intention to live within Universal Law and Unity Consciousness. It’s time to re-awaken our hearts, live with compassion, build discernment, let go of fear, clear the negative ego, see through the matrix of illusion and surrender to letting go of what no longer serves us.

Going Within Builds The Spiritual Core

Cultivating inner connection through stillness of the mind, allows perceptions of the outer world to change. This helps us gain strength to move beyond, outdated paradigms of beliefs, behaviors, limitations, separations, illusions, fears and pain that denied access to our greater spiritual identity and purpose.

Cultivating inner connection through heart resonance, shifts perceptions beyond the limitations of the 5 senses. When we learn how to feel again and learn to turn off the mental body chatter we connect with our higher-self. Making it easier to navigate our lives and the world around us with greater clarity.

Cultivating inner connection through daily discipline, builds our spiritual core. This helps us to truly know ourselves as we gain access to the contents of our own hearts and multi dimensional mind. Taking control of the ego mind and healing inner pain, supports our awakening during this cycle of expansion.

Time for Disclosure

Humanity has been living through a very dark history of time in which a war over consciousness, over the soul, and higher knowledge has been taking place. This silent and deliberate agenda to suppress and control the collective consciousness has caused massive pain, confusion, spiritual blindness and broken hearts for the people upon our planet.

Our planet has a diverse and hidden galactic history whereby secrecy, lies, and ongoing deception around ET’s involvement, benevolent & malevolent have remained the status quo. Please understand there is still a great deal of deception going on out there along with many distractions to help you give your power away.

Disclosure covers a wide variety of issues that include pedophilia, child trafficking, satanic ritual abuse, drug trafficking, secret space programs, deep state agendas, money laundering and so much more. This predation is replete throughout the academic, entertainment, financial, legal, media, medical, political and religious systems as a vast network of people at the highest levels of power are involved. The rabbit hole goes very deep as the matrix is a diverse, complex, layered and hyper-dimensional subject.

I have provided links under resources, to others work on this topic for your review.

Question Everything

Clearly it is time to transcend false belief systems and narratives around the nature of reality on planet earth and who we believe ourselves to be. When we do this, we shift the perception deception, an energetic overlay, deliberately designed to limit our personal power and understanding of who we are as spiritual beings. Learning to feel and trust our higher senses again (knowing, seeing, sensing, allowing, feeling) creates greater discernment around false narratives and social programming that have been dictated as truth.

I have come to understand the way to change the world is to change yourself. This is accomplished by going within and clearing wounds, pain, trauma, wrong conclusions, obsolete belief systems and unseen negative influences limiting our perceptions. It is important to not be overwhelmed by ruling negative emotions and past experiences as we learn to hold neutral even in chaos. Become the observer and in alignment with yourself, stay heart based and take positive action daily, in this way through our own consciousness we affect others and the world around us.

Personal Power And Self Mastery

You chose to be here now and participate with what is unfolding. The power of who you are is found in your uniqueness and individuality. The love that you are is shared through patience, kindness, generosity, humility, discipline, purity and diligence. And your personal point of power is always in the present moment.

The more we truly know ourselves and obtain embodied wisdom the easier it becomes to heal ourselves and the planet. It is time for spiritual maturity and to cultivate self-mastery within one’s life. This requires deep self-reflection, self-honesty, transparency, and a willingness to expand beyond the limiting belief systems, and stories we choose to tell ourselves. It is the power of our consciousness which will enable us to rise from our slumber.

Self-mastery begins with us first as individuals and then moves into the greater collective field. Keeping our intentions pure, staying in the present moment and being of service opens our hearts. It is through the heart we find the strength to look at things as they are and not as we want them to be. Taking 100% responsibility for our own thoughts, words, actions, behaviors and intentions is how we reclaim personal sovereignty and create inner peace.

We Are One

We are multidimensional spiritual beings living in a body suit that incorporates a dynamic light body technology. We are astronauts, cosmonauts, space dwellers, a race of powerful divine beings, living upon a sphere in space that we call earth. We are time travelers, cosmic citizens and part of a greater galactic family of light. We are all individual expressions of one source: God Source Light and our superpowers are expanded through love in service to others.