Vibrations of the Soul

Welcome, my name is Terri. I thank you for visiting Vibrations of the Soul!

I created this site for those who desire to explore greater levels of truth about themselves and the world in which we all live. It is my intention to create a sacred place in which an open exchange of ideas, the sharing of spiritual experiences and services offered may be explored.

My current role is to assist those who choose to awaken and create transformational change in their life by clearing subconscious patterns, obsolete belief systems, wounds, trauma and unseen energetic influences, that limit self-love and consciousness expansion. By clearing negative ego programs and pain body triggers we gain access to our most authentic self and the deeper wisdom contained within our hearts.

Another aspect of my role is to deliver a message which is “the sky is pink and not blue.” In other words, “reality is not what we have been programmed to perceive.” This is challenging as many have fixed perceptions and belief systems obscuring the vastness of their higher awareness and multidimensional soul potentials.

Ascension Is Spiritual Awakening

Many are becoming aware that something profound is occurring upon our planet and deep within ourselves. Humanity is experiencing a time of great change affecting us all in diverse and powerful ways. The Hopis referred to this cycle as The 5th World and The Time of Purification. Others call this time, The Ascension, The Time Of Transition or The Shift Of Ages.

These can be challenging times resulting in confusion, sadness, feelings of disconnection and loneliness. Collectively we are moving from a material world to a spiritual world, an inner journey, a shift in consciousness and self-awareness of great importance. Moving forward will bring some very interesting potentials and options for humanity and our ascending planet.

Through this cycle of time, we have opportunities to see through veils of illusions blocking perceptions while healing our individual and collective hearts. We are in the time of the Great Reveal, where what was once hidden will no longer remain unseen. It is time to reclaim our spiritual identity and our souls repository of knowledge. This process begins by asking oneself, wherever you are upon your journey: “Who Am I?”

Awaken To Remember “Life Is A Gift”

You are an eternal multidimensional spiritual being and a vast experiencer of consciousness as you travel throughout time and space. You have been gifted with a temporary expression of life here upon planet earth. How will you choose to participate, so that all humanity may live in alignment with the higher laws of cosmic citizenship, universal peace and love?

Blessings & Love

Once again thank you for visiting vibrations of the soul. I look forward to assisting you in whatever way feels most resonate and supportive. May you experience many blessings and peace within as you journey forward.